Information and support on every level,
labour, birth and postpartum


Amy has been enthusiastically educating couples in her natural childbirth classes since 1999. Topics covered include the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the birth process.. Breastfeeding and baby care, potential unexpected unwanted but necessary interventions, nutritional support during pregnancy. As a pre and postnatal yoga teacher, amy infuses her classes with a variety to different relaxation exercises and techniques, hands-on comfort measures for labor, labour rehearsals, and techniques and postures useful for women looking for greater comfort within the unfolding of their pregnant bodies.

Amy's classes help women (and couples) become conscious parents. By moving deeper within themselves, realizing and fostering feelings of mothering and fathering, and seeking out good knowledge. A wholistic approach allows for the intake of knowledge about pregnancy, labour, birth, and postnatal care, while at the same time, preparing women to become mothers and men to become fathers. The joy that Amy finds in the sharing of knowledge and stories about birth, babies, and family is infectious and inspiring. She integrates into her classes a sense of the wonder of life, and of the deep gratitude we can experience through our relationship with our children and with an awareness of their humble ways.

  • Small, allowing individual attention
  • Held in a relaxed, comfortable setting
  • Designed to let couples know what to expect during birth
  • Confidence building, empowering you to ask for what you really want
  • Focused on working with your body, trusting the process, breathing naturally, and relaxing during labour



start monthly,
in person and via Zoom


At Shifra Wellness,
new class series start monthly

"Of course we gather, at least once, after the formal class is done, to review, reunite, and meet the babies!"

"Because the classes are small (5-6 couples) I keep them as flexible as possible, and am happy to arrange a "refresher" class or private Contact me and we'll figure out how to get you the good information that you need."